MD's Message

Managing Director's Message

Think wisely and invest “in” the future rather than “for” the future. In order to be successful, you need to make things happen. It can be said that success which is a journey rather than a destination comes from relentless focus on shared vision, innovation and execution. The fundamental initiatives that have been taken with a number of competent professionals to provide quality habitation to citizens and to contribute to urbanization of Dhaka city, created a symbol of excellence and reliability for FARE Builders Ltd. in Real Estate industry.

My utmost conviction states that our uncompromised business ethics, unbounded pursuit for quality and passion to deliver excellence are the essence for this significant achievement. Consequently, to continue this voyage of not only being recognized as the very best in Real Estate Industry but also as a superior brand, I have envisioned a new era for FARE Builders Ltd. With this greatest optimism, I strongly believe that this unique brand shall attain its vision successfully.

Director's Message

Everything changes as time goes on. However, some things remain pretty much constant which plays essential roles in our lives regardless of our life-styles. These could be abstract feelings such as our love for legacy and excellence of quality as we all want the best for our beloved ones. Despite the rapid changes in Dhaka city, all of us would strive to come back home to be with our dear ones at the end of day. So as to make it more convenient and secured, FARE Builders Ltd. primarily focuses on prime locations, better-quality materials and efficient personnel for the projects.

As by saying “We Care”, we mean it, therefore, I believe in providing lifetime service to our valued clients to show our true dedication. This truly states the reason why we are perceived as the Real Estate Company of first preference.

On-Going Projects